We all desire things in our life that we think will give us happiness, peace and security.
Whether that is more money, love or better health.
As deliberate creators we know and perhaps have experienced that nothing external to us can make us happy in a permanent way.
Even if you are a master manifestor, you would know that the happiness that you feel when you get what you want is short lived.
Because very quickly you are on to the next thing that you want to manifest.
More over, no matter how wonderful your life circumstances become you will continue to feel the emotions that you are addicted to. The thought habits that you carry with you all the time decide how you feel most of the time.
So to get good at manifesting is just one end of the stick, the other end being the art of activating happiness, of giving up on worry, stress, sadness and being anxious.
Here are 10 ways that you can activate happiness in your present life no matter what your life circumstances are :
Wear you metaphorical horse blinders and pay attention to only what pleases you about your life. If that means being ignorant to some of the information about the real world then so be it. Like during the global recession when the news was all about lack of jobs and money, I stopped watching the news and listening to others tell their 'lack of' stories and only gave attention to how things were going good for us. And in all that chaos we got one of the biggest opportunities of our lives - to move and work in a country that gave us a better quality of life.
Meditate - Meditate daily and it doesn't always have to be a formal meditation when you sit in silence. It could be just lying on the couch and gazing. It could be just going inwards and focusing on your breath when you commute to work. It could be when you go though your ideal day in your mind just before you sleep.
Exercise - Move your body in a deliberate way daily. Feel the energy moving in your body when you exercise. It could be a walk or a swim, yoga or the gym. And if you could move your body in nature that is a sure way of activating happiness.
Nourish your body - Drink alkaline water ( Preferably 1 liter to every 22 kilos of your body weight), Eat healthy and wholesome food filled with micro nutrients. It is fascinating to me how terrible I feel when I eat poorly. This is one habit that is work in progress for me but I am happy that I have become more aware of how I feel in relation to what I am eating and drinking.
Love your body - Have a healthy relationship with your body. Be kind to it. Treat it well. Thank it for supporting you. Acknowledge the way it communicates to you.
Be kind and loving to yourself - When you take things personally, when you berate yourself, when you beat yourself up for failing and not being perfect, you cut yourself off from your higher self/ source/ inner being. To feel true happiness you have to accept yourself and love your mistakes, failures, bad judgements and all your choices. Know that each phase of your life has helped you get clear with what you really want. You can minimize your suffering by being loving towards yourself.
Connect with people - Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert connecting with people daily will enhance the quality of your life and contribute to your happiness. Hug, smile, make eye contact, hold hands and laugh often with the people you have in your life.
Nurture beliefs that serve you - Like the "universe has my back", " everything turns out fine for me", " I am loved", " I am special", " This world is a safe place", " People are nice" ( Beliefs are simply thoughts that you have thought of many times)
Get enough sleep - When you are tired you can't be aware of how you are feeling. You can't tune into your guidance. And its easy for resistance to build up in the form of fear, worry and anxiousness. So get enough sleep to wake up feeling refreshed and eager.
Appreciate - Appreciation carries the highest vibration and is an amazing thing to practice. Practice means the more you do it the better you get at it. Appreciate the things that you have in your life that are good, get as detailed as you can. Like every night when I put my head on my pillow, I appreciate how comfortable and beautiful my bed is. Appreciate the experiences you have, even the simple ones can give you joy when you appreciate them. Like seeing the sun set or enjoying a delicious cup of coffee.
Share with me what do you do to activate happiness in your life. Let's make this list longer and richer with your contribution.
You can reach me at nikky@happydayscoaching.com.
Being of service to you is my highest joy.